Jake’s Prep School Sendoff

Jake’s Prep School Sendoff

One day after class toward the end of his last semester at Thorndyke Prep, Jake entered the dorm but it was strangely silent, missing the regular antics and sounds of young men living together. He unlocked his dorm door and was amazed what he saw. There stood 20 guys in his dorm room jacking off, each in their own jockstrap. 

Daniel Bynum


I am standing so strong now, pounding my fucking dick, full and aggressive strokes, an athlete in the final moments of the game.  I am sprinting hard to the finish yet also want you to see it in slow motion as I get there, because I'm holding back "that much" with total control, ready to let go at any moment. I grip the screen with my free hand and squeeze HARD on meat with the other, cranking hard.
Coach Rick


I take him to the wall, right there.  I put my hands on that wall, on each side of him, lean in slowly, and kiss him. He moans into my mouth, which sends a heat surge through my whole body.  I rub his cock, just to be sure, and yes, he is rock-fucking-hard.  I squeeze the shaft with my big hand.  It’s not a huge cock, like mine, but it’s solid – probably almost 7.  I finger the head.  Cut, also.  He leans forward and starts to speak, but I push him back to the wall, cover his mouth, and keep rubbing. He inhales and rolls his eyes.  Yeah, I like this Clark Kent guy.  This is gonna be such a memorable Valentine's, for me and for him.  I kiss him hard again, taking his hand.  Fuck yesThere it is! There’s that wedding ring! This is gonna be more fun than I even imagined.
Coach Rick
RESOLUTIONS (Part 3): a Coach Rick story for the new year

RESOLUTIONS (Part 3): a Coach Rick story for the new year

Then I'd stand him up, turn him around, getting one of his legs up on the sofa, his big glutes just begging for me to squeeze and massage and slap them, which I will do, asking if he is a good boy. I'll reach under and pull his big frat boy cock down and back toward me--no easy feat, considering how hard that fucker gets.  His shaft now covered thick and shiny with my saliva, I'll give him long, full-handed strokes, as my lips kiss and lick his nuts.  I can't say enough about his nuts. They've driven Cuckoo for Coconuts since my first taste of them.

Coach Rick
RESOLUTIONS (Part 2): a Coach Rick story for the new year

RESOLUTIONS (Part 2): a Coach Rick story for the new year

In that week leading up to it, Brad-slash-Jimmy became my own private porn star.  He sent over two dozen hot pics -- videos of him jerking off, videos of his ass humping a sofa, dick pics, (and he has a really nice jock dick), pics of his lacrosse cheeks in a jockstrap. You get the picture.  He was meaning to turn Dad on before we had even met, and it was fucking working. 

Coach Rick
RESOLUTIONS (Part 1): a Coach Rick story for the new year

RESOLUTIONS (Part 1): a Coach Rick story for the new year

I settled on the Red Jockmail Simplified Jockstrap. Yeah, let's keep this simple.  I had been partial to red since that weird Christmas dream I had, the one where I was a steam punk Santa, fucking all my twinks and the narrator in a locker room.

I glanced out the window. I really had to get going.  It was already starting to snow, and I didn’t want to miss the train.  

Coach Rick
HUNG BY THE LOCKERS: a Coach Rick Christmas Fantasia

HUNG BY THE LOCKERS: a Coach Rick Christmas Fantasia

I touched my jock as I was starting to get drowsy, and giggled. This was going to be a great Christmas. This blow job, Kenny, seeing the guys tonight, all put me in the holiday spirit, just so glad to be alive and to have survived my own cancer. I felt so snug in my bed, with the thick duvet pulled over me. Word-lover that I am, I thought to myself, “And here I am in my Quick Release Jockstrap, having just settled down for a long winter’s nap . . . “  

Coach Rick
Etiquetados: jockstrap real jock story
Handling Brian: a Thanksgiving story

Handling Brian: a Thanksgiving story

If you’ve never had this particular view of an athlete, there is an amazing beauty in it, such an exquisite display of masculine vulnerability.  When an athlete of his caliber offers himself  up so trustingly,  you truly feel called to the game.   It was the first time for both of us, and I felt a great responsibility. My job was not to hurt him.  My job was  to make him feel the most amazing pleasure he had ever experienced.
Coach Rick
Learning to Drive with My Gym Teacher

Learning to Drive with My Gym Teacher

Mr. Luca was not just any gym teacher; he was known for his friendly demeanor, approachability, and dedication to his students' overall well-being. Little did I know that his expertise extended beyond the gymnasium to the realm of driving. It didn’t hurt that he was sexy as hell. I’ve had a life-long obsession with men of Italian descendant and I think it’s safe to say it all started with him.

Daniel Bynum
The Original: a short work of jock nonfiction

The Original: a short work of jock nonfiction

The coach, hanging at home on a Saturday afternoon:  barefoot, tapered sweats, fitted tee to show off my “dad pecs.” In my very real life, I’m 61 – super fit and looking great, but 61.  Same-sex divorced, looking again for a partner . . . 

Coach Rick
My First Time in a Jockstrap The Locker Room Jock

My First Time in a Jockstrap

And Lifelong Obsession with Jockstraps
Daniel Bynum
How to wash your jockstrap The Locker Room Jock

How to wash your jockstrap

Properly washing your jockstrap is an important part of maintaining good hygiene and keeping your underwear in good condition. Follow the care instructions, use a gentle detergent, wash on a delicate cycle, avoid heat, and store properly are the key steps for a proper jockstrap care. Remember to wash your jockstrap regularly to maintain good hygiene and to avoid bacteria, sweat, and other bodily fluids.
Sean Parker
Etiquetados: care jockstrap